So there's this book, Danish Tattooing, and Allan's in it.
Ok, seriously, here's what it's all about (official press release from the publisher):
"Danish Tattooing by Jon Nordstrøm
New book offers unique insight into a colourful tradition from 1895 onwards and portrays the strong, Danish characters behind body art.
”Danish Tattooing” traces the visual development from 1895 up to the present day, with the Golden Age of the 1960s particularly rich on fascinating tales from a rough scene. The book is full of anecdotes and historical photographs of larger-than-life characters and tattooing hotspots: the raw Nyhavn, where sailors and drunk Swedes got their tattoos, and the even rougher Istedgade, which developed into a new tattooing hub in the 1980s. Actually, Copenhagen was the heart and soul of tattooing in Scandinavia until the mid-seventies.
The book returns to the present by portraying 14 working tattoo artists, along with their distinctive artwork – from classic designs to the latest graffiti and hip-hop styles. This is the new generation that will trace the next chapters in the history of Danish tattooing.
The book is in both Danish and English and will be released by Nordstroms Forlag on August 29. In connection with the release, pictures from the book will be exhibited at the KPH-Volume gallery, 80-82 Enghavevej, Copenhagen SV. Open: Saturday, August 29 to Monday, August 31.
The book will be available in Danish bookstores, at most tattoo conventions or through Gentleman’s Tattoo Flash."
The sweet cover

If you're in Copenhagen you should go check out the exhibition this weekend.
If you're not from around here, you can still pick up the book at a convention or through the good people at Gentleman’s Tattoo Flash.
As the press release says, it's in both Danish and English, so in addition to looking at the pretty pictures you'll be able to read it too.
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