Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to May ! A surprisingly very hot month for us , people of the rainy island kingdom !!
Behold ... If ever you were interested in dropping by to see me on one of these fine May days ( Double espresso / Black Black thanks ) ... Here's my schedule of attendance at the Nansensgade 52 office !!
Thursday the 7th of May (from 4 till pretty late)
Friday the 8th of May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 14th of May (from 2 till late)
Friday the 15thof May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 21st of May (from 2 till late)
Friday the 22nd of May (from 2 till late)
Saturday the 23rd of May (from 2 till late)
Thursday the 28th of May (from 2 till late)
Still booking every continuing session on every second 25th / 2 months ahead ( Next time : On the 25th of May for July and August ) !! And still taking project submissions for new pieces at any time ( For a spot on the waiting list ( Approx. 9 to 12 months now !))
Stay safe out there and stay away from people who sneeze in the bus !!
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