Rabu, 24 November 2010

A+A go to Yokohama and get tattooed

For those who like to read about our tattoo adventures in Japan (mostly mine, since it's my blog), i just posted a few pictures here.
Go have a look!

Allan's back, done for now
My leg, also done for now

Two more sessions for both of us in April.
Who knows, maybe they'll even be finished.

Senin, 22 November 2010

It only took me 13 days to get it!

The darkness ... The darkness ...

Even though the town's been plunged in the dark like a canary no one wants to hear, from 3 in the afternoon till 10 in the morning, the lights have been on and bright pretty regularly down at the HQ for the last 2 weeks! Eckel and I, freshly back from our very own British adventures and busy as ever (well me more, he hardly does anything actually)! Someone's gotta work around here! Not everyone can take a never ending, nose picking and ceilings staring Japan-acation!!! Shop's got to keep going, ya know!? Work work work! We've had to do lots and lots of overtime lately (directly because of the above described missing staff situation) so I've decided to share the extra hours evenly! Eckel's taking the 1st shift (8 to 5) I'll be taking the second (5 to 8) just so it's fair! No one likes to be the boss but someone's got to do it anyway! I've also decided that until the missing staff are back everyone visiting the shop will have to:

A): Start and/or resume smoking.

B): Love doom stoner metal.

C): Have a minimum of 3 double espressos per visit.

D): Bring us gifts (expensive ones would be best)

E): Be ready to convincingly explain, in detail, their perfect plan of exactly what they would do (step by step) in the tragic case of a zombie invasion!

That will be all for now but please check back regularly for new updated rules and regulations of the Conspiracy inc. in the days to come!
-Because without rules ... There is chaos!

Here are the more general free tips of the week...

Spontaneous visits: Go towards the right, towards the light!

Weather report: It's gonna get much worst before it gets better!

Health report: Being vegan does not make you immune to Ebola!

Health report 2: Eating meat doesn't either!

Awesome report: Yes it's true!


Rabu, 10 November 2010

Greetings from Tokyo

The A+A has arrived in Japan, in case anyone hadn't noticed!
Actually, we got here a few days ago, but they have been busy days.
Allan has tattooed a bunch already, and it looks like the next couple of weeks are gonna be busy as hell.
So, where are the tattoo pictures, you may ask yourself?
Well, normally, i'd have to either manipulate Allan into giving me some for the blog, steal them from his card before he has a chance to transfer them, or compromise, like in the last post.
But Allan seems to think that since we're in Japan, and not the shop, i have no claim to tattoo pictures here.
The nerve of that guy, right?
So you'll have to visit his blog for tattoo updates, or my blog for all the other things we get up to (like our own tattoos for example).

I may post here too once in a while, but really, for the next month, our own blogs are where all the action is.

Almost there
This lucky walk-in had no idea who Allan was!
(Full story here)

Seeing as i'm not at the shop, wouldn't it be great if maybe someone else who is there, and who is a co-author of this blog, could post updates if anything shop-related should happen?
I sure wish i knew someone like that...

Rabu, 03 November 2010


So, it would seem that Allan already posted a teaser on his blog yesterday, so i better hurry up and post the whole thing before we leave for Japan tomorrow.
That's right, we're out of here, so the next post is likely to be something Inkrat and Tokyo related.

Ok, without further ado, Ole's magnificent wrestler tattoo
And a quick iPhone shot from our farewell dinner last night

Mate ne!